◇ 130PHQ has a focal ratio of f/7.7 and a focal length of 1000mm.
◇ 130PHQ comes with a telescopic lens hood, a high quality CNC machined and painted tube and attractive decorative parts. The OTA weighs 10.5kg, and the full package with tube rings, etc. weighs 12.5kg.
◇ The 130PHQ contains a multifunctional handle, a 300mm dovetail plate, and Standard Losmandy dovetail plate, together with sturdy double tube ring, is perfectly suited for viewing and shooting.
100mm aperture
550mm focal length
Sextuplet air- spaced APO design
APS frame
Retractable lens hood
1000mm focal length
multi-functional handle
300mm Losmandy dovetail plate
◇ The quadruplet lens with two ED glasses offers excellent control of chromatic and other aberrations.
◇ With its self-flattening design, 130PHQ offers strong advantages in astronomical shooting.
◇ It supports a medium frame 60mm image circle, has a fine spot diagram with tiny distortion of the peripheral stars, and its central RMS radius is less than 2 microns.
130mm aperture
Quadruplet air- spaced APO design
60mm medium format
Central RMS radius 2um
◇ Instead of buying extra flatteners, calculating the backfocus of flattener or making tedious connection to match the distance, astrophotographers can simply equip it with any possible imaging devices, make the target stay at the focus, and then the whole optical system is perfect for imaging.
◇ The 3.4" rigid focuser comes with M68, M54, and M48 adapters and a finder base.
No need for flattener
No need to calculate the backfocus
3.4" large rack- pinion focuser
1:10 fine adjustment
Various adapter
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